Lunch Break Length

If you do not want lunch breaks to be included in "hours worked", pick the lunch break length from the drop down menu located in upper right hand corner of the staff editor. Any shifts that are longer than five hours will have the lunch break length deducted from hours worked. This is useful for payroll purposes or for calculating hours worked in collective agreements.

If you want lunch breaks to be included in hours worked, simply leave the lunch break length at zero.

Note: You can also change which shift lengths include a lunch break by going back the main spreadsheet and clicking on Settings. In the lower right you will see a drop down menu with the heading "Subtract lunch break from shifts over X hours long". If you change the value from 5:00 to 4:45, Manager's Advantage will give an unpaid lunch break to shifts that are over 4 hours and 45 minutes long, but no lunch breaks to shifts that are equal to or shorter than 4 hours and 45 minutes in length.